Hawes Amplifier Archive by James T. Hawes, AA9DT
Bipolar Transistor Glossary
Art: Red robot, dancing
Schematic: Coupling capacitors. Mouse over for decoupling capacitor.
Coupling capacitors. Mouse over for decoupling capacitor.
3 legs of NPN device, plus common. On mouseover: Common-emitter (CE) 
NPN CE preamp. Mouse over for typical values.
Schematics, current measurements: Ie. Mouse over for Ic. Click for Ib.
IE (emitter current). Mouse over for IC (collector current). Click for IB (base current).
Schematic symbol for NPN transistor. Mouse over for PNP.
Schematic: NPN transistor amp with resistor names. On mouseover: PNP circuit.
NPN amplifier with resistor names. Mouse over for PNP version.
Schematic: NPN transistor amp with voltage names. On mouseover: PNP circuit.
With reference to ground, voltages above are positive. Mouse over for PNP version.

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WARNING. This is your project. Your achievement is entirely yours. I assume no responsibility for your success in using methods on these pages. If you fail, the same is true. I neither make nor imply any warranty. I don't guarantee the accuracy or effectiveness of these methods. Parts, skill and assembly methods vary. So will your results. Proceed at your own risk.

WARNING. Electronic projects can pose hazards. Soldering irons can burn you. Chassis paint and solder are poisons. Even with battery projects, wiring mistakes can start fires. If the schematic and description on this page baffle you, this project is too advanced. Try something else. Again, damages, injuries and errors are your responsibility. — The Webmaster

Copyright © 2012 by James T. Hawes. All rights reserved.

•URL: http://www.hawestv.com/amp_projects/design_page/bjt_glos.htmWebmaster: James T. Hawes
•Revision—March, 2012  •Page design tools: HTML, Notepad & Explorer