Hawes Mechanical Television Archive by James T. Hawes, AA9DT
Define TV Luminance in Terms of 2 Complementary Colors

Find Color Percentages for 2-Color TV

You want to view two-color content on your PC. Or you want to build a two-color TV receiver, either with a ready-made display or with LEDs. How do you find out how bright each color should be?

NTSC theory defines luminance (Y) as percents of the three additive primaries: 59 percent green, 30 percent red and 11 percent blue. That is, on NTSC (U.S. analog) black-and-white receivers, maximum red appears as a medium gray. Meanwhile, maximum green appears as a light gray. Maximum blue appears as a very dark gray. The sum of these three grays appears as white. (The same color and luminance formulas apply to PAL, SECAM and digital TV systems.)

Photo: Two-color screen shot of woman
Simulated orange & blue-green screen shot: Proves that full-color imagery is possible in two-color mode! (Adaptation from Donald Fink.)

Two-color mode. Yet NTSC television has a two-color mode as well as a three-color mode. Then how does TV define luminance in terms of two complementary colors, say red and cyan? Complements such as red and cyan are easy to figure out. This is so because red is a primary color. From NTSC theory, we know that red makes up 30 percent of Y. The complement of red is cyan. Cyan makes up (100 - 30) = 70 percent of Y. Yet not all complements are so easy to analyze. For instance, suppose that we use two secondary colors: Colors at locations I (orange) and -I (blue-green). These are important hues, because many NTSC stations transmit the I signal. Yet each of the I hues is a combination of green and another primary hue! How can we calculate the green content in each color? How can we know the gray or luminance value of such hues?

Here's how! One can use our method below to find percents of any two complementary colors.

Two-Color TV Concepts

• Additive colors

The 3 Primaries. Broadcast television uses three primary colors: Red, green and blue. Because they add up to white, we also know these three as additive primaries. Each primary color has a complement directly across the color wheel, or 180° away. The complements of the three additive primaries are also what we know as subtractive primaries: Cyan, magenta and yellow. Computer printers and fax machines use these subtractive primaries. Combining all three subtractive primaries causes the opposite effect from combining additive primaries. Instead of white, the mixture produces black (or near-black). Combining any two neighboring additive primaries makes a subtractive primary.

• Secondary colors

Mixing two additive primary colors forms a secondary color. To set up a secondary, we must have one primary at full brightness. We add this to a second primary, which can be at partial or full brightness. If both primaries are at full brightness, we produce a subtractive primary color.

Art: Illustration of color wheel, showing 3 additive primary colors. Click art for subtractive 
TV color wheel, showing the three additive colors. Click art for the three subtractive primary colors. These color wheels don't show transitional colors between the primaries.

The subtractive color wheel also allows for secondary colors. For example, adding two subtractive primaries at full brightness produces an additive primary. The centers of the subtractive primaries are 180° from the centers of the additive primaries. Yet the extents of the subtractive primaries shift 60° from the centers of the additive primaries.

• Shades

Pure colors are never mixtures of two primaries that are each below full luminance. Instead, such mixtures are shades of pure colors.

• 2-Color TV

Mixing additive and subtractive primaries. More important to us is this fact: Combining an additive primary and its subtractive complement gives white. This fact is the basis for two-color TV pictures. Although the two-color gamut is narrow, full-color reproduction is possible.

• Displacement

Displacement is a distance in degrees around the color wheel. We can use displacement to measure a distance between a primary color and a desired color. Looking at the color wheel, each visible color occupies one polar position. The colors progress through combinations of the three primaries: First red and its variants, then blue and its variants, and finally green and its variants. Each variant is a combination of two neighboring primaries: Red and blue, blue and green, or green and red. For example, at 60 degrees counterclockwise displacement from red, we find yellow. From green, displacing 60 degrees clockwise also takes us to yellow.

• Variable Brightness of Additive Primaries

An additive primary color remains at full brightness for 60° on either side of its central value. Not coincidentally, the 60-degree displacement point is the location of the nearest subtractive primary color. Beyond 60 degrees of displacement, the situation changes. The brightness value of that primary falls to zero percent over the next 60°. For example: Suppose that red's central value is 77°. At this value, red's full brightness (luminance) value is 30 percent. The red content of neighboring colors remains at 30 percent through 60 degrees of displacement in either direction from red: From yellow at 17° until magenta at 137°.

• How Colors Change Around the Color Wheel

17 - 77 °
77 - 137 °
137 - 197 °
197 - 257 °
257 - 317 °
317 - 17 °
Maximum % color Red, 30% Red, 30% Blue, 11% Blue, 11% Green, 59% Green, 59%
+ Luminance Gradient Green,
59 - 0%
0 - 11%
30 - 0%
0 - 59%
11 - 0%
0 - 30%
Produces variants of: Yellow Magenta Magenta Cyan Cyan Yellow
Click for vector location on CCW vectorscope:

Method for Defining Y in 2 Colors

• Define 1st Complementary Hue

  1. Pick the first hue. For example, orange at 57°.

  2. Calculate the 1st displacement: (Red at 77° - Orange at 57°) = Displacement of 20°.

  3. Subtract displacement from 60°: (60° - 20°) = 40°. A zero or positive answer sets primary brightness at maximum.

  4. Calculate the 2nd displacement: (Orange at 57° - Green at 317°)= -260° (-260° + 360°) = 100° displacement.

  5. Subtract the displacement from 60°: (60° - 100°) = -40°. Since the answer is negative, green brightness is less than the green maximum (59%).

Art: Illustration of 'color displacement' idea
Example of “color displacement”: A primary color is fully intense at one vector position, and for 60° before and after. Beyond that position, color intensity falls to zero over the next 60° in either direction. Orange (57°) is somewhere on the X-axis above. At this point, red is fully intense, but green is less than fully intense. Orange demonstrates displacement from both red and green.
  1. Figure green brightness: (120 / 40) = 3. (59 / 3) = about 20.

  2. Orange is then [(59G / 3) + (30R / 1)]% of picture luminance = (20G + 30R) = 50%

  3. See the diagram at right, above. This diagram depicts a flattened section (about 120°) of the TV color wheel. On the actual color wheel, the green and red segments would superimpose.

• Define 2nd Complementary Hue

  1. Pick the second hue. Orange's complement is blue-green (teal) at (57° + 180°) = 237°.

  2. Calculate the 3rd displacement: (Green at 317° - Blue-Green at 237°) = Displacement of 80°.

  3. Subtract displacement from 60°: (60° - 80°) = -20°. Since the answer is negative, green brightness is less than the green maximum (59%).

  4. Figure green brightness: (120° / 80°) = 1.5. (59% / 1.5) = about 39%.

  5. Calculate the 4th displacement: (Blue-green at 237° - Blue at 197°)= 40°. A zero or positive answer sets primary brightness at maximum.

Art: Blue-Green components
Second example of “color displacement”: Blue-Green (237°) is somewhere on the X-axis above. At this point, blue is fully intense, but green is less than fully intense. Blue-green demonstrates displacement from both blue and green.
  1. Blue-green is then [(59G / 1.5) + (11B / 1)]% of picture luminance = (39G + 11B) = 50%

  2. See the diagram at right, above. This diagram depicts a flattened section (about 120°) of the TV color wheel. On the actual color wheel, the green and blue segments would superimpose.

  • O R A N G E   50%

  • B L U E - G R E E N   50%

• Check Percent Totals for 2-Color Space Against 3-Color Space

Component or Operation Total
2/c percent of green component of orange: (from above) = 20%
2/c percent of red component of orange: (from above) = 30%
2/c percent of green component of blue-green: (from above) = 39%
2/c percent of blue component of blue-green: (from above) = 11%
Add red components: (30 + 0) =
Add green components: (20 + 39) = 59%
Add blue components: (0 + 11) = 11%
TOTALS: RED 30%;   GREEN 59%;    BLUE 11%. CHECKS!


This method removes the TV luminance contour (30R / 59G / 11B) from the hues. Then this method converts from a zero to 100% scale to the HTML scale. HTML uses zero to 255.

• Transfer to 0-255 scale for PC Paint (HTML) Display

  1. Develop conversion factors (CF).
    R-CF= 255/30= 8.5
    G-CF= 255/59= 4.3
    B-CF= 255/11= 23

  2. Transfer orange to 0-255 scale.
    R = (30 x 8.5) = 255;
    Then G= (20 x 4.3)= 86.
    O R A N G E : Red = 255 | Green = 86

  3. Transfer blue-green to 0-255 scale.
    B = (11 x 23) = 255;
    Then G= (39 x 4.3) = 168.
    B L U E - G R E E N : Blue = 255 | Green = 168

  4. Convert to hex values...
    Orange= #ff5600;
    Blue-Green (Teal)= #00A8ff.

Proof: Resulting HTML Colors

Orange color (flesh tones) Blue-green color (sky, landscapes & seascapes)

NTSC matrix for 2-Color Reproduction on PCs & TVs

Art: Schematic: Resistor matrix for red and blue-green. Resistor matrix for two colors, red & cyan. Also useful for orange and blue-green (despite slight hue error). One can use this matrix between a PC and a computer monitor. Or, for NTSC-TV use, substitute a VGA-to-NTSC converter for the monitor: Use with NTSC TV. (Proven idea by Cliff Benham.)

Resistor values RR= 75 Ω, RG= 0Ω, and RB= 330Ω function in my tests. The matrix requires one primary color (red, at left). Color 2 must be the complement (cyan, at left). — The Webmaster

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Copyright © 2012 by James T. Hawes. All rights reserved.

Orange & blue-green screen shot of woman: Adapted from Philco art: Fink, Donald G. Color Television: Simplified Theory and Service Techniques. Philadelphia: Philco, 1956, p. 135. Retouching by James T. Hawes.

•URL: http://www.hawestv.com/mtv_2color/color_math/2color_mathA.htmWebmaster: James T. Hawes
•Revision—May, 2019 •Page design tools: HTML, Notepad & Explorer