It's not all there! What? Your parts manufacturer provides an
incomplete IDSS range for your FET? Then he's telling you to go
What's a guy to do? You need some fishng gear. Homebrew an
IDSS meter. Measure your FETs, instead of depending on
incomplete datasheets. Sound good? Below are schematics for meters
that reel in the data.
♦ CAUTION. No enhancement devices. These circuits measure
parameters for JFETS or depletion MOSFETs. But the circuits won't
measure enhancement MOSFETs. If you plug in a MOSFET, it won't turn on. You might
mistakenly assume that it's dead. (Examples: No 2N7000s! No BS170s!)
About the meters
Use your DVM for the ID ammeter and the
VP(pinch-off voltage) voltmeter. The IDSS
reading could vary from a few milliamps to about 100 mA. The power voltage
that you use must exceed the FET's VP value.
Your measurements apply to the device that you use,
not the manufacturer's model. FETs of the same type vary greatly.
(Sometimes nature intrudes upon science. FET characteristics are an
example.) For this reason, your measurements probably won't
agree with values on the manufacturer's datasheet. Fear not.
Differing values don't indicate a defect.
Battery considerations. IDSS-level drain current subjects
your battery to the maximum current draw for the device. To preserve your
battery, keep measurement periods brief. To measure P-channel devices,
reverse the battery connections.
Build in minutes. Test in seconds! The simple IDSS
meter (Figure 1) allows you to read IDSS. Depending on the
FET you're measuring, IDSS could run anywhere from a few milliamps
to 100 milliamps. (Very few FETs have an IDSS below 1 mA.
Example: PN4117.) In this circuit, you may use a handheld multimeter
to measure IDSS current. To find VGS (off), Malvino
provides this handy formula (1.)...
Fig. 1. Simple IDSS meter
VGS (off)= 2(IDSS) / GM0, where GM0
is the transconductance at IDSS
Why do I need to know VGS (off)? Because the pinch-off voltage
VP is of the same magnitude (but opposite sign) as VGS (off). Manufacturers measure the all-important IDSS at the pinch-off voltage
VP. Voltage VP also defines the voltage boundaries of your
amplifier design (the most and least current that the FET supports).
Using the simple meter. The table below shows the results of some tests by the
author. On a solderless breadboard, the simple meter circuit went together quickly. The
2N3819 device under test was a U.S. Fairchild JFET, originally from Mouser (new-old stock).
The 2N5457 device was a Chinese “Fairchild” JFET from eBay. The readings were low,
perhaps because the power voltage was 9 volts, instead of the manufacturer-specified 15
volts. To check that hypothesis, further tests were necessary. A retest several days
later produced the same IDSS values at 9 VDC. Under 15 VDC power, the
IDSS currents remained the same as at 9 VDC power.
The parallel IDSS values moderated the author's earlier skepticism
about datasheets. The datasheet's drain curves prescribed that the IDSS
values would be the same at 9 or 15 volts. The test devices regulated the current as
they should. The measured IDSS values also remained within spec.
FET Type
Power Volts
Test Date
Tester Type
In the 8-11-2020 tests, the author used a digital meter.
In the 8-20-2020 retests, the author used an analog meter.
The 8-20, 9V tests agree with the 8-11-2020 test results.
The 8-20, 15V tests disprove the hypothesis that a lower VDD is
responsible for IDSS readings below the maximum spec on the
datasheets. (2N3819: 20 mA max. 2N5457: 5 mA max.)
Technician's Cadillac. The swanky IDSS meter appears at
Figure 2. You can use the power voltage (B2) of your choice. The 20-volt supply
is a typical example. (DC power packs are fine, too. A particular FET might also
require a larger battery B1. For example, Hayes and Horowitz use -15V.
To measure VGS
(off), adjust the 10K pot. At some resistance value, the FET will cut off.
When it does, ID will drop to zero. (Drain voltage VDS will
also rise to the power voltage.
(3.)) Now, measure VGS (off) between gate and ground. This
circuit also allows you to plot the GM(transconductance) curve
for the FET. (An example of this curve appears at Figure 5.)
♦ CAUTION: FIGURE 2. Never connect the gate battery B1 backwards!
This battery must provide a zero to negative voltage to the gate.
The voltage must never rise above zero volts. Otherwise, the gate junction could
melt, destroying the JFET.
Attach your DVM (M1) according to the schematic. (Connect the DVM
"+" lead to VDD. Connect the DVM "-" lead to the drain terminal of the
Set your DVM to read current.
Adjust Pot VR1 so that it shorts the FET gate to the source. Current
through the test FET will reach IDSS(maximum safe value).
Press TEST BUTTON S1. Current will flow through your DVM (M1).
While pressing the button, read IDSS on your DVM. For most
small-signal FETs, the reading will be in milliamps. (Some FETS operate
in the sub-milliamp region.)
To read VGS (off), connect a second DVM (M2) across the
gate and common. (See the schematic, Figure 2.)
Set your second DVM (M2) to read voltage.
Reset pot VR1 to minimum current (opposite setting
from what you used in Step 3).
Press TEST BUTTON S1. At ID (M1), no current
is flowing through the FET channel. The drain-to-ground voltage equals VDD
(9 volts).
While pressing the button, read VGS on M2. The reading
will be in volts. The magnitude of this reading equals the pinch-off
voltage VP. (Please ignore the sign. VP and VGS
(off) use opposite signs.)
What is VP? VP, or more precisely, VP0, is the
pinch-off voltage at IDSS. At VP0, the drain saturates with current.
(5.) VP0 is
equivalent to -1[VGS (off)]. (6.)
See the drawing (right).
What is IDSS? Looking at Figure 3, let's start at the origin, bottom-left.
Moving right along the X-axis, we spot VP, the pinch-off voltage. Here, we arrive
at the vertical line. Now, we follow the line upward to the drain curve IDSS.
Here, we see that VP points to the knee in the curve. At this point,
the current through the FET flattens out. We've reached current saturation, or
By “saturation,” we mean that the FET is passing the maximum
current that it can safely handle. Going rightward from VP, the curve is flat. On
the flat region, the FET operates as a constant current source. That is, drain voltage has
almost no effect on drain current. (The device breakdown voltage is further to the right.
At breakdown, the current rises exponentially. The device likely expires.)
Designing with Drain Curves
Flat section. On the device datasheet, there are more drain (ID)
curves beneath the IDSS curve. Each drain curve has a saturation mode and
a pinch-off voltage. We need the FET to operate on the flat, or “saturation
mode” section of the curve.
Select a drain curve. In design work, we can operate our FET on any drain curve.
On Figure 4, right, the top drain curve is IDSS. Parallel to, and below IDSS
are four horizontal curves. Each curve produces a different drain current ID. We
identify these curves by the negative gate bias voltage VGS that produces
• -1V
• -2V
• -3V
• -4V, VGS (off)
Deriving RS from GM
Source resistor RS bias allows us to select a drain curve.
RS bias reduces ID. A good, starting value for RS is
(1 / GM). This statement assumes that we use the GM(transconductance) value at IDSS. (Datasheets sometimes refer to
GM as GFS or YFS.) The datasheet provides
GM as a range of values at IDSS. Yet we must choose only
one GM value! We can cope by selecting an average or
“typical” GM value. (Sometimes the manufacturer provides
the typical value.) (10.)
What is GM? There are two types of GM.
Dynamic GM is the change in gate voltage that causes
a given change in drain current. Static GM expresses
the drain current per volt of gate voltage. The measurement is in
amperes (or more likely milliamps). Yet we divide the ratio
(mA / 1V) or (µA / 1V), expressing the result as a decimal
number. The unit for this new term for inverse resistance is the
Siemens, S (or U). Example: 3,000 µS or 3 mS. Both of
these mean “3 milliamps per volt.”
Source resistor connection. The reciprocal of any
static GM value is a source resistor value. Malvino walks
us through the easy RS formula. (12.) Be sure to ignore the VGS
RS= (-VGS / ID)
RS examples. Figure 5 includes three examples of source resistors.
The table below gives the calculations to find these three resistor values...
Static GM
• (0.75V / 5mA)= 150Ω
6.7 mS
• (1.3V / 3mA)= 470Ω
2.1 mS
• (2V / 2mA)= 1,000Ω
1 mS
Tour of the GM Curve. At Figure 5,
notice that transconductance (GM) is a parabola. As the curve ascends, the
transconductance increases. As the curve descends, the transconductance decreases.
Here's what this means for source resistor values: A large source resistor locks in
a high reverse bias on the gate. With this gate voltage, the transconductance is
low, but the current drain is economical. With this large resistor, be careful not to
approach VGS (off) too closely, or the device might clip. A small source
resistor allows far more drain current to flow. The transconductance is high, but the
battery drain and heat might be excessive. A heat sink might be necessary. If the
design approaches IDSS too closely, clipping could again become a
Consider the drain current of your circuit. Drain current affects
the operating transconductance of the FET. Manufacturer specs usually give the
transconductance figure at IDSS. Are you operating at a lower
ID than IDSS? Then use a transconductance (GM)
value that's less than the device maximum.
Example: The manufacturer powers his model MPF102 at IDSS, 20
mA. But your project FET draws 2 mA, average. The datasheet GM range
is 2 to 7.5 mS. You choose 2 mS, giving an RS of 500 ohms: (1 /
0.002)= 500Ω. You can then use a 470-ohm or 560-ohm standard resistor.
When VGS = 0, you achieve IDSS: Maximum drain current for normal operation.
See Figure 7. Your FET amplifier must operate inside a zone with these
• Min ID
•Breakdown voltage
(Minimum ID occurs at VGS (off).)
Fig. 7. Operation zone for a FET amplifier, within the active area of the
drain curves. (14.)
To use a lower ID (drain) curve, increase the source bias voltage, VGS. (With N-channel
devices, make VGS more negative. For P-channel devices, more positive.)
The RS will increase.
To use a higher curve, reduce the source bias voltage, VGS. (With
N-channel devices, make VGS more positive. For P-channel devices, more negative.) The RS will decrease.
For an N-channel device, VGS is negative. For a P-channel
device, VGS is positive.
The reverse-biased gate prevents gate current. No gate current flows.
0.625 mA
∞ (~1M)
Examples of RS values, using formula: RS= (VGS /
VP is a drain-source voltage.
VGS (off) is a gate-source voltage. It has the same magnitude as Vp, but the opposite sign.
1. Albert Paul Malvino, Ph.D., Transistor Circuit Approximations, 3rd ed. (New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1980), 239.
▶Re: Formula for finding VDS (off).
2. Thomas C. Hayes & Paul Horowitz, The Art of Electronics Student Manual, 1st ed.
(New York: Cambridge University Press, 1989), 156. ▶Re: Use of -15V power supply to bias
VGS. Useful when reading VGS (off). Broader range than 6-volt circuit in
Kybett & Boysen. (Refers to measurement of N-channel devices. P-channel devices require a
+15V bias supply.)
3. Harry Kybett & Earl Boysen, All New Electronics: Self-Teaching Guide, 3rd ed. (Indianapolis, IN: Wiley Publishing,
Inc., 2008), 142. ▶Re: When there is no current flowing in the FET channel, VD rises to the power voltage VDD.
5. Donald L. Schilling & Charles Belove, Electronic Circuits: Discrete and Integrated, 2nd ed. (New York: McGraw-Hill
Book Company, 1979), 135. ▶Re: Term VP0, p. 136.
6. Malvino, 237. ▶Re: VP is VDS (off) without the sign.