Necessary Circuit Changes

Germanium-to-silicon conversion. Left: Original circuit from Chapter 4. Middle: Silicon, fixed-bias version. Right:
Silicon, self-bias version (much stabler). The drawings also show how to convert from PNP to NPN transistors: Reverse all
polarized parts.
Advantages or Problems? Our part substitutions should properly bias silicon transistors in the original circuits. At least
some of Mr. Buckwalter's circuits should now operate. Still, some of the circuits might develop new problems. Why? A little background
helps: Germanium devices like Mr. Buckwalter's produce a very small current gain. The CK722 has a gain of about 10 to 30. The 2N107
has a gain of about 20 to 30. Today's “universal replacement” transistors such as the 2N2222A and 2N3906 offer a gain of
about 200. The modern devices also have lower leakage. Modern devices operate over a much broader frequency band. And modern devices
are far more sensitive than the older devices. The lower noise floor of the silicon devices helps most circuits to operate more
quietly, too.
May alter operation. Yet these advantages don't make all circuits operate better with silicon. Replacing one
transistor with a very different device can greatly alter circuit operation. You might as well try to replace a piccolo with a
bassoon! Here are some examples of how device advantages can become circuit problems...
- Higher gain problem. The germanium device was stable. The silicon device oscillates.
- Lower leakage problem. The germanium device biased itself with leakage. But the silicon
device doesn't leak very much, and doesn't turn on.
- Bandwidth problem. The germanium device is fairly insensitive to local RF fields. The silicon device picks up radio. You might
have to add RF low-pass filter capacitors at the base and collector. You might have to add a ferrite bead to the base lead.
- Sensitivity problem. The germanium device biases normally with a base resistor of about 100K. For equivalent performance,
the silicon device might require a base resistor of several megohms. The large-value resistor might be hard to find. (A better bias method
is voltage-divider bias.)
- Noise problem. The germanium device generates audible hiss. The silicon device is much quieter, but might pick up noise
such as radio waves or line hum. To eliminate such interference, you might have to add more negative feedback.
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