• NOTICE: In the next few steps, you connect the vertical output tube plate to your Col-R-Tel converter. If you can easily remove the
chassis, solder the blue lead (Item D) to the socket plate connection. If chassis removal is difficult, follow the instructions below. |
- The kit provides four spring clips (Item I) of different sizes. Find the clip which best fits the vertical output tube's plate
- Connect the blue lead of the cable (Item D) to the clip (Item I).
- Insert the tube into the clip and then the tube socket.
- Dress leads to prevent shorts.
- Connect the black lead of the cable (Item D) to circuit ground (usually chassis).
Install Size-Control Box
- From the kit, get the picture size control box (Item C). Note the four leads coming out of the size control box: Red, black,
green and yellow leads. You'll connect these leads to the deflection yoke.
- Connect the red lead to the deflection coil's high-potential side.
- Connect the black lead to the deflection coil's low-potential end.
- Connect the green and yellow leads across the vertical deflection coil. On the vertical coil,
polarity isn't important.
- Dress leads for proper connection to the converter.
- Install the back on the television receiver.
Finish Assembling Electronics
- With the provided screws, mount the converter and size control boxes.
- Connect the picture tube yellow lead (Item H) to the converter yellow lead.
Connect yellow and green wires
- Connect the picture tube green lead (Item H) to the converter green lead.
- Plug converter cable connector P2 into TV set connector P1 (Item D). (This cable carries
vertical and horizontal signals from the TV to the converter.)
Connect P2 to P1
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